Monday, 22 August 2016

To Date or Not to Date?

I have been getting these questions a lot lately:

Have you met anyone? or

Are you dating?  or

Do you want someone new in your life?

The answers are no... NO... and ... I don't know.

When my husband first died I felt very out of balance.  I have been in relationships since I was 15 years old and I really love having a partner in my life. I loved being a wife!!  So being on my own made me feel out of balance.

I am getting used to being single but there are still times I miss having a partner as I miss loving someone.  Also I love just relaxing and watching tv with a significant other whom I feel totally comfortable with and not talk...just be.  Strangely enough, I even miss arguing, as there is nothing better than a good argument.

My daughter thought the answer to all my problems was for me to get a boyfriend, so for my birthday she made me a POF account, one of those dating sites.  It was so strange!!!!  I chatted back and forth a few times and quickly tired of this method of meeting people.  The thought of then meeting and dating someone, anyone, repulsed me.  I did a lot of dating when I was young and I have no desire to do that again.  I have been there and done that.

As I have put all my things in storage and have no permanent residence I feel....this factor eliminates any possibility of myself meeting someone as it really isn't a selling point to say I am homeless.  Any sane person would turn the other way in fear of me wanting to move in.  Of course I would not do this but I think I would only attract very strange people who would date someone who was homeless.  I certainly wouldn't choose to have anyone in my life if they said they didn't have a home.

As a result of choosing my current lifestyle I have no choice but to be here alone until I figure out what I am doing and where I am going and try and focus on the positive things about being single.

With every decision I make there is always lists; lists of the good and the bad; and the pros and the cons. But first and foremost beyond lists comes that internal guide, my feelings and emotions, that I know will give me the answer of what direction to choose.  For now, I am patient and enjoy the waiting before the knowing.

My future is undetermined but right now .... in this moment .... I are a couple of my lists.

Top 10-things I hate about being single

1. I have to work harder at self improvement.
I have no one that acts as my sandpaper, exposing my short comings.  If I want to improve myself I have to look hard, that is not easy.  Since I don't have to live with someone it is easy to adjust to someone else's life style for a few days when I visit then return to my distorted reality of perfection.

2. No one to make goals and plan and dreams with.
I love making plans and setting goals and dreaming about my possible future.  I especially love doing this with a significant other who wants to participate with me in exciting adventures.  I do that with my friends a bit now but it is completely different with a partner.

3. I am an "I" not a "we".
It feels so strange for me to say I, as it feels so egocentric.  I like being a "we".  I loved being a wife and feeling like whatever I did I had a partner in crime.

4. I am fearful of growing old alone.
I absolutely love the thought of growing old with someone. It feels so sweet.  I love seeing older couples together.  I now feel jealous as it is something I always wanted and how I pictured my life.  I don't want to grow old alone.

5. I have no one to blame anything on, I have to take responsibility for my actions.
I used to say that the reason I got married was so I had someone to blame everything thing on.  Being single sucks as I have to be completely responsible for myself.

6. No incentive to make myself look pretty. 
I know I should make myself pretty for myself but I personally feel comfortable the way I am.  Shaving my legs just feels like a complete waste of time.  I do miss getting dressed up and looking pretty every once and awhile for someone else.

7. No one to hold me when I am sad. 
I am not one for hugs.  My husband used to call me an incu-baby because I was put in an incubator when I was a baby and he contributed this to me not liking to be touched.  So the thought of someone holding me when I am sad other than a partner feels completely yucky.  I never thought I would ever say this but I miss being held.

8. No one to argue with and vent to when I have had a bad day.
Partners always get the raw end of the deal as they get the bad end of every sucky day.  Sometimes the only thing that makes life feel better is a good argument.  I miss this.

9. Having a man on your side still makes a huge difference in life.
A lot of men still respect another man more than a woman.  I feel like a push over when I don't stand up for myself and a bitch when I don't let men walk over me.  With my husband on my side it felt like all it took was a hand shake and things were going in the right direction.

10. Feels weird doing things with couple friends.
It now feels strange to do things alone, with friends we did couple things with.  Luckily we didn't have too many couple friends and most of my friends have stayed the same.  But being around couples does feel strange.

Top 10 - things I love about being single

1. I don't have to compromise 
I can choose to do exactly want I want and not concern myself with what someone else wants.  My free time is 100% my choice.  This is beyond wonderful as I tend to do more compromising in a relationship as I am easy going.

2. Do what I want when I want it 
Beyond work my schedule is my own.  I don't have to work around a significant others work or fun schedule.   I am never in a rush to stick to someone else's schedule or plans that I didn't fit into my own schedule.

3. All my money goes where I choose to spend it 
I love having my own money and not sharing with someone else.  If I am low on funds it is because the funds went to me and no one else.  My husband was expensive with all his various expenses so I supplemented him with my income.  But not any more and not ever again.

4. I am perfect, as there is no one to point out my deficiencies
I feels nice not having someone notice when I leave my clothes on the floor or my papers all around or when I sleep in unwitnessed.  My flaws are hidden from the world.

5. When I put something somewhere it stays
My things aren't being used by someone else or moved.  If I loose it, I loose it but most of the time things are exactly where I put them.

6. No need to shave my legs or worry about what I look like naked 
My poor husband as I never have been a girly girl.  But for sure now there is no one to notice my granny underwear or my hairy legs. This is absolutely lovely!!

7. There is nothing holding me anywhere, my future is full of possibilities
I have no limitations except for the ones I put on myself.  If I decide to travel to Norway or Australia or go to school or do more distance walks I can do it.  All I have to do is save my own money and make a goal and do it.

8. I don't have to take care of anyone but myself
No meals, no laundry, no cleaning up after someone.  I am taking care of only myself.

9. The people I spend time with are my friends and family.
Getting into a relationship means taking on another family and new friends.  I have been able to focus solely on my friends and family.  Robin's mom and step dad and step mom are now my family, some of his friends are now my friends but getting in a new relationship would double the social circle.  I don't want this so right now the amount of people in my life seems perfect.

10. I am finding my own strength without a man in my life. 
I never knew how much I depended on men for negotiations or standing up for me when there was a disagreement or fixing the car and taking out the garbage.  Doing these things on my own or paying someone to do it for me is very empowering.  I feel more capable then I ever have in my life.


Being a gypsy has done exactly what I needed.  It has given me space to free myself from my "things", all those objects that hold memories and within each ... a trigger.  I now feel free to move on with my life, in which direction is the question.

As I write my lists, then read my lists, and live my life ... I am becoming more and more comfortable being single and feeling much more balanced being on my own. My goals are all achievable without a partner and that feels wonderful.  Whether or not I get into a relationship in my future, life feels good now and that is what is important!!!

I have an amazing friend base and wonderful family; not just blood family but people that have impacted my life so much they feel like family.  At this point I have no desire to increase the number of relationships that I have.

I know I made the right decision to put my things in storage as I have had the most memorable summer in a long time.  I will remember this summer for the rest of my life.  This time has given me space to breath a new life in with no responsibilities.  As I move forward I will be observant of the relationships and responsibilities I take on and how they will impact my life.

For now I am choosing to strengthen the relationships I already have.

So I guess I answered the dating :)

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Turning Off the GPS and Finding My Own Path

Lately I have been noticing that when I use Google Maps I don't pay attention to how I am getting to a location.  I depend on the voice in my phone to bring me to my destination and back.  I disregard signs, land marks or even the way I am going.

As I continue my nomadic lifestyle Google Maps has brought me on some interesting ventures in the last couple months.  I am trying to pack everything I can into summer and have been spending more time 'doing' than writing.  As I sit down to write I am reviewing what I have done as I go through my photos.  

I can't believe in the last 2 months all the places I have been: Starting off with Tofino then

Englishman River Falls

The Dark Side

 Royal Roads University, Elk Lake, Goldstrem Park, 
White Rock Beach

 Kinsol Trestles, Thetis Lake,  Fishermans Wharf, 

Goldenears Park
Goat on the Roof
Coombs Country Market

Grouse Grind, Woody's Lagoon, Mt. Doug, Willow Beach, Walks along Dallas Road and 

Beacon Hill Park

Cowichan lake and river,

Bald Mountain

Cascade Falls
Fort Langley  and then back to 


If I had to pay rent or mortgage and manage a home there is no way I would have had time to do all these things.  I have felt very free to explore this amazing world we live in, going down roads with the help of my GPS that I have never gone down.

When I was leaving Cascade Falls my phone died and I had to find my way back without the use of GPS.  Nothing looked familiar as I hadn't been paying attention to my path or even noticing landmarks.  We found our way back with a few u-turns but I made the decision not to depend so much on my GPS.

This month also consisted of going to my cousins funeral, a family gathering, and a friends wedding; giving my emotions the opportunity to travel wanted and unwanted paths.  Through feeling these strong emotions I am reminded that my emotions are my guide through this process of discovering myself and the future I desire. 

My emotions will help answer the questions I need answered and release my past.

I have set myself on the nomadic path for a few different reasons:

  1. As I visit different places I want to feel what place feels like home.
  2. I want a fresh slate and not be in a place surrounded by triggers.  
  3. I want to free myself to experience life and new adventures.

I have been successful in number #2 & #3, only 2 months in I am feeling like I have had a fresh start and creating a platform to jump into the next phase of my life without the emotional weight of the loss of my husband holding me back.  

As you can see by my list of places I have visited confirms lots of new adventures. Not having a home doesn't just motivate me to do new things; I have absolutely no choice but to get out there and just DO.

#1 is the hard one!

Figuring out where I want to live is getting more and more confusing.  

When I am in Langley with my family and life long friends I feel the warm comfortable blanket of nostalgia pull me in and I can't imagine myself anywhere else.

Then I spend some time in Victoria exploring with my daughter and grandson and see the possibilities of new adventures in their eyes.  I want to be closer so I can have front row seats watching their lives unfold.

Oh ... but then I go to Tofino.  It is such a magical place for me.  Being by the ocean and in the ocean, living a laid back, easy going life-style, embraced by the elements seems like a dream come true.

I haven't even visited Vancouver yet, another city that pulls at my heart strings.

My emotions are guiding me in multiple directions, my hope is that they will assist me in making up my mind soon.  I have to listen to that internal guide, that shows me the way to my future, through my feelings.  

I am still careful of the people I include in my life as some people try to pull me away from my own internal guidance system and control what I do as they feel they have the answers for my life.  Who knows I may come out with the same outcome they want but I would never know that unless I follow my own heart.

I guess it is something like the GPS.  I had to stop using it so I could see where I was going and not listen to the machine, oblivious of my surroundings and not watching for the signs.  

It is easy to listen to what others say to do but then I would not be on my own path, I would instead be filling their needs and desires putting myself last. In the end I would be resentful of them if I don't listen to myself.  

I am fortunate to have the space and the time for lots of calm, it is instantly apparent when something is overwhelming or not the direction I want to go. Strangely enough my emotions are not pulling me back to Salt Spring.  I thought for sure I would want to go back but I am not feeling it.  I have wonderful friends and fantastic memories but I don't feel like I will ever be moving back to the place I called home for 17 years.  My wise mother has said, "Never say never".

Even though I don't know where I will end up, I definitely am enjoying the path of a nomad.  So when I no longer feel the fun I will settle down....somewhere.